• +49 5931 8811859
  • greenweb@semil.co
What we do

We are providing solutions to reduce CO2 emission of your website.

Green web services image

Our services contain different solutions to reduce the CO2 emission of your website by improving your website’s performance and Optimize your website’s User Experience (UX). Then you will be offered to plant trees to balance the CO2 emission of your website.

Our method of Sustainable web design also provides you to start a new project from the scratch with the mindset of low CO2 emission.

Estimate your webpage CO2 emission for FREE

By using this carbon calculator, you agree to the information that you submit being stored and published in our public database.

Small steps, big effects!

As far as you know that all the websites and web pages emit CO2, means we are half way through to notify anout this big problem. If you are concerned about the environment and want to do some actions regarding that, options below are available to be delivered in order to reduce the amount of CO2 and balance to reach 0 CO2 emission on your website by planting trees when your website is optimized.

Technical report

Is the procedure of testing your website, make a technical report on how clean your website is and how to improve it.

CO2 emission optimization

It is an innovative service that optimizes your website’s performance to balance and reduce the CO2 emission.

Sustainable web design

It is an innovative approach to designing website and webshop services that prioritizes the health of our home planet.

So far the options will be delivered to help our environment but if you are not in the position to take actions regarding your website, your favor to plant trees are always appreciated. 

Are you concerned about the environment?

If your answer to this question is positive, you may have the option to help our partners and donate to plant trees to reduce your website's CO2 emission and help our environment.

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